Episode 240


Theft Closes 900 CVS, Suicide Bombers Dont Eat Bacon, Caravans Not Going to Venezuela, CAL Cuts Power When Windy, Don't Save the Whales, LaMalfa Loves Mc Carthy

Episode 226


Prop 172 Safety Funds, Elec Cars Start fires, Gov Love Milk, US Woke Soccer Girls, Dr Robert Epstein - the steal, White House Chefs Drown, Gov Persecutes Social Club

Episode 225


Sound of Freedom, Election Integrity, Fauci Illegal Grants, Key Officials No Oath Taken, HPV Jab Bad News, FDA Endorses Remdesivir, Covid Jab Disaster for Women

Episode 223


Jefferson's Thoughts, Barbie Movie Banned in Vietnam, CA Climate Bond, Ben and Jerry Commie Cream, Newsom Power Outages, Chinese Spy, Ballot Fraud, Covid Suicide

Episode 221


CA GOP =Dems, Afraid of the Truth, Pretend to be an Indian, Fauci Lied, HPV Jab is BAD, Ketanji Brown Husband a Slaver, Dead Suddenly, No Autopsy Needed Here