Episode 133


Measure K Spending, Not about Covid, Biden v British Parliament, Flights Cancelled and Lies, People Dying and Resisting, Skip College and Go To Work.

Episode 132


Covid Con Summit, Pfizer and Astra Zeneka, Whistle Blower Shots and Aborted Fetal Cell Lines, Government, Schools and the mask, 3 Sierra Passes to Close, School Boards and Domestic Terrorist, Yuba County Measure K Money.

Episode 130


Medical Websites, Work Website - No Vax, Oliver Cromwell's Speech, Jabbar Gibson Bus Theft, FBI Covers for Nassar, Teleport Haitians, Whistleblower Vax Killers

Episode 129


Yuba County GOP Committee, Gov’t makes illegal legal, USA less free than under England, Hospitals Losing Nurses, Adventist Health Hypocrisy, Vaxassination, Remove Kids from School

Episode 128


Masks in School, Leaders Owned, Nurses Resigning, Covid Shot Damages, Remdesivir Lies, Addiction and Trust, John Wayne and Ted Williams, 9/11 babies and Marines

Episode 119


Kiley to replace Newsom, I never cared until, Only in America, What Did She Die Of, Cause of death - Covid Hoax, What is Gaslighting, No Secure Property - no Capitalism

Episode 118


Sydney Fire Commander, Newsom Recall Election 9/14, Dems Cheating to Protect Gov., College Students Sue Over Vaccines, CA To Legalize Psychedelic Drugs, China Goes Big Coal - the Big Lie

Episode 117


Flynn and D'Souza Speak, Gavin Newsom Recall, Newsom Lies About Fire Prevention, Covid a Fraud and a Hoax, Social Distancing CIA Torture, Save America / Remove Kids from School

Episode 115


Newsom Recall, Yuba County GOP Central Committee, Military Heroes, Meritless lawsuits Hill and Daniels, Christia Teacher Reinstated, Covid Hoax of the Century