Wollman Ice Rink and Ellis Lake
Sexual Assault, Schools, Insurance and Jim Whiteaker
Clinton Corruption and Collusion
What I didn't learn in school about slavery
Are colleges a waste of time and money?
All in Podcast
Wollman Ice Rink and Ellis Lake
Sexual Assault, Schools, Insurance and Jim Whiteaker
Clinton Corruption and Collusion
What I didn't learn in school about slavery
Are colleges a waste of time and money?
What Can you Do, Charging for Emergency Services, Why Doesn't America Work Anymore, Whose Funding War on Ice, Sell An Organ, Emma Lazarus Poem, Not a Public Charge.
Measure K Hokey Pokey, Aronson Cover-up, Trade War, One Gun Store in Mexico, Government Cheats on Taxation, Boy Scouts and Pedophiles, Mass Shootings and the US.
Elizabeth Warren college costs, Twitter Influence, Women's Soccer Pay, No Trump on CA Ballot, Rats in Baltimore, China to Block Election, EV Chargers at Your Expense, Founding Fathers Hated Democracy.
Measure K Fraud, America Is Great, Wind and Solar Won't Work, Religious Groups Cash in On Illegals, Mueller Honorably Corrupt, Berkeley Bans Natural Gas.
Muslims Quote, Puerto Rico Corruption, China Human Rights, Obese People, Illegals Fraud, Epstein Sex Island, Math Teacher, Trump Deregulation
Starbucks, Betsy Ross / Nike, Purge Washington Mural, NBA "Owners", Feds Waste Money, Looting Walgreens, State Salaries Up, Dems Racists.
YCOE Had to Hire Whiteaker, Last Surviving Signer, Boys Join Girls, Rocklin Parents Resist, Soccer Player Refuses Gay Pride Uniform / Quits, Pastors Forced to Endorse LGBT, New Gun Ammo Law July 1, Reparations, Arkansas Welfare Reform.
New Gun Restrictions, Fla Teacher Can Carry, A University, Not a Daycare, July 1 Gas Tax Increase, Green Cards and Welfare, 1.4 Million Acres Open to Public, $6.5 Trillion Lost, Abundance of Fossil Fuel Liberals Furious, Pollution and Childhood Obesity, $4mil Wasted.
Glacier Melt Cancelled, Mr Non-Science Al Gore, Gibson Bakery, Forest Mismanagement, True The Vote Victory, Trump Success, Zinke's Socks, Ilhan Omar's Faux, Marriage, Welfare not Slavery that Problem.
Talking today about;
D Day Stories, PP and KKK, Abortionist slits the vocal cords, Oval Office Conspiracy, Pension Calamity, Organ Harvesting from the Living, Ethanol Lose / Lose, Target: Christianity, Worst Cities - First Time Buyers
Talking today about:
Armed Forces Days, D Day and FDR Prayer, Pete DuPre 96 yr old WWII Vet, High School, Funerals for Homeless Vets, George Patton Today, Fossil Fuel Miracle, Shortages in Cuba, LA Disease Epidemic, Pissing on the Taliban.
Talking today about;
Input from Listeners, Letter to Newsom, Retiring Abroad, Gas Tax, RD 784 Assessment, Memorial Day, Immigration Myths, Firefighting, ICE Catches Illegal Criminals, Wars and Deaths.
Talking today about;
Abortion, Mothers Day, Cal Water Rationing, Facial Tattoos, Fake Marriage, Chic Fil A too Christian, China Promise Fatigue, Environmentalist Sue and Settle, RD784.
Talking Today About;
Supreme Court Preference, Millennials Living With Mom, North Korea Starving, Illegals Renting Kids, Illegal Kills Three and Bails Out, CA Sex Ed Guidelines, Min Wage Hurts Youth, Taxes, Fees and Regulations.
Talking today about;
Samuel Adams, Trump v Obama, Potholes and graffiti ,Catholic Priest Sexual abuse, Chico Tax Increases, Wildfire Causes, CalPERS, Gov Newsom Picks "Transsexual for CalPERS Board.
Talking Today about;
SexxxEd Sit-out, Gas Prices in CA, Syphilis Epidemic, Female teachers sex with students, Corrupt Illinois Politicians, Loser Investments - Wind and Solar, Yuba Co Buried in Pension Debt, Media Loves Islam.
Talking today about;
Mall boy tossed by Muslim, SF "Brown Out," Gas Prices, Teacher unions love molesters, Pot and mental illness, Illegal alien exploits, Citizens take to defending the border, Moral collapse in America, CA screws up refunds, Social network anti-conservative bias, Bernie Sanders wealthy hypocrite, Mayor Pete and Christianity, Cow Palace Gun Shows.
Talking today about;
River Bottoms Tickets, Democracy vs a Republic, Gas Prices CA, Earning a Desk In School ,Liberal Professors Outnumber Conservative Professors, Amazon and Book Burning… Spree, Pete Buttigieg, Will Californians Ever Pay Enough, Immigration Cages built by Obama.
Talking today about;
Oro Dam spillway, Teacher's Odd Behavior, Fired teacher hired by neighboring district, Trump racist?, America racist?, Most vetted President, Movie Unplanned, CA School Enrollment dropping, Things Jews don't do, Collusion.