Historians say that a dispute over a British soldier’s unpaid barber bill led to the first fatal confrontation with the ‘foreign’ troops in Boston on March 5, 1770. The row killed five Americans escalating Colonial hostilities against England.
Historians say that a dispute over a British soldier’s unpaid barber bill led to the first fatal confrontation with the ‘foreign’ troops in Boston on March 5, 1770. The row killed five Americans escalating Colonial hostilities against England.
The Constitutional cataracts may be lifting from the sight of Californians though they may just be learning about the document that protects them. Street-wise people know we are just a skoch away from civil war. Even ignorant folks can sense something is bad wrong.
Former drug user, welfare queen and now syndicated black columnist Star Parker wrote an article last week, “We Are All on Welfare Now.”
In March of 1931, Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University in New York, gave a speech at the University of California on Charter Day. In his talk Butler divided humanity and even nations into three categories, however he emphasized that individuals could move from one grouping to another.
The Book of Proverbs tells us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” (1:7). The American Founders understood this and from the beginning stressed the connection between a Godly education and the personal freedoms of the country.
Pin Yathay, was an engineer at the Ministry of Public Works in Phnom Penh when the Khmer Rouge stormed the Cambodian capital. Yathay’s gripping memoir, “Stay Alive, My Son” is one of the top ten books about the Communist takeover and the resulting atrocities known as the ‘Killing Fields.’ Yathay’s family suffered and died under the insane rule of rabid revolutionaries, but he eventually fled to Thailand.
In California, counties pay public information officers handsomely to treat citizens like children warning them to wear a hat, apply sunscreen and drink plenty of water on a warm day. There’s more, be safe when swimming, drive carefully - school is starting. What are the qualifications to do this job?
You would think government has done enough to crush businesses and families to save us all from a fake killer flu. But your money was burning a hole in the pockets of Yuba-Sutter Supervisors. And, when they get the itch to spend other people’s money there is trouble ahead.
Americans have surrendered their freedom and liberty after being groomed for decades to be compliant. Passive citizens sit quarantined like well-trained subjects while being flooded with medical psychobabble from Tony ‘the Lab Mouse’ Fauci and Deborah ‘Blinky’ Birx. (Warning - Being indoors is the most vulnerable place to hide from ‘Corona.’)
If Governor Newsom is now the dictator of nearly 40 million Californians why is there a need for expensive and redundant Boards of Supervisors and City Councils? Local politicians took an oath to defend the Constitution / Bill Of Rights from enemies both foreign and domestic but they are instead puppets for Lard Hair’s repeated law-breaking and violation of our God-given rights.
It’s ironic that the church is in hiding as April 19 was Patriot’s Day, the anniversary of the “shot heard round the world” (April 19, 1775). It was the day the American War for Independence began.
The handling of the Wuhan Flu has raised many concerns about the power and secrecy of government. For more than a century, leaders have scoffed at accusations of a global cabal or secret society of politicians and business people wanting to control the world. However, the Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama presidencies have all lauded globalism at the expense of the uniqueness of America and its independence.
The government-crafted national emergency out of a chest cold is moving our Constitutional Republic toward a centrally managed socialist sh—t hole. The dynamic mechanism is fear and mind-control.
Germany with 83 million people has thousands testing positive for Wuhan Flu but its death rates are the lowest in the world. The rate is figured on how many have died of the number testing positive for the illness. (In all countries if universal testing were possible all fatality rates would plummet.)
The US Government did not cause the Wuhan Flu pandemic. Thank the Chinese Communists for that.
Now in the midst of the Wuhan Flu crisis, what is the most controversial measure established to save us? It may be the closing of American businesses including our schools and churches.
Liberal college professors are paranoid. Shuttered colleges have forced their classes online where they may be critiqued by parents and conservatives. Normally, their secret indoctrination in class goes unchallenged. Will they now be held accountable?
United Stated media have been rabid in their obsession to undermine the stability of the nation and the presidency. Although some scientists are suggesting the Covid-19 Virus started in a Wuhan University laboratory or in the adjacent animal market, this epidemic has been another chance for reporters to mock and malign saying President Trump was the real cause.
The Yuba-Sutter area has achieved national recognition for some horrific tragedies. The Juan Corona murders starting May 19,1971, (when the first body found) killing 25; the Yuba City High School bus crash May 26, 1971 killing 29; the Lindhurst High School Shooting on May 1, 1992 killing 4.
In San Francisco for a fundraiser on April 6, 2008, democrat candidate for president, Barack Obama slammed working-class voters in the rust belt crippled by job losses. He said, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”