There has been a shocking turn-of-events in the California legislature. The legislative body known for its immorality, perversion, and setting a day each year to honor a pedophile has passed  AB 218 increasing the time survivors of sexual abuse can seek justice. On October 13, 2019, Governor Newsom signed the bill into law.

As the left’s attempt to overthrow the United States Presidency began to unravel, citizens initially gave the Federal Bureau of Investigation the benefit of the doubt regarding honesty and integrity.  Just a few leaders plotting the coup were thought to be dirty. However, the rot is more pervasive than initially imagined.

Founding Father John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Today, we are seeing Adam’s fears borne out in every institution as both morality and the Constitution are ignored.

Daryl Morey, general manager of the Houston Rockets, tweeted “fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong.” Thank God for him even though he was forced to retract the tweet and apologize. China went ballistic about his political comment, threatened the NBA (National Basketball Association) and the NBA bowed and begged for forgiveness. China is an immoral bully wanting to control the world.

Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 32 into law phasing out for-profit prisons and immigrant detention centers by 2028. The law prohibits state officials from signing new agreements with private prisons or renewing existing contracts starting next year, unless needed to comply with court-ordered population caps.

Last Tuesday, Marysville City Council pooled its ignorance, speculation of “experts,” and professional doubters to move forward with making Ellis Lake into a million dollar aquarium. This ‘Rube Goldberg’ contraption (approaching a simple task in a convoluted way) will sport 25 lake-bottom aerators, 2 compressors and chemicals. 

Yuba County residents continue to get bad news on the California bait and switch, tax and spend front. The No on Measure K Facebook site is tracking the approximate $8,000 a day in taxes being taken from citizens by the illegal sales tax that began in April 2019. As of October 8th the approximate take is $1,544,000.

The media is quick to expose and snipe at religious predictions that don’t come to pass, like the specific date for the return of Christ. Cult groups have made dire pronouncements that missed by a mile, as well. Jehovah’s Witness leaders predicted Armageddon would occur in 1914, 1918, 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975, 1994, 1997, whew, enough already. 

Once upon a time, California home and commercial property owners after working for decades to pay their mortgages / taxes, get their kids though school along with paying medical, food and transportation expenses, were being forced out of their homes and businesses by government.

In 2018, County Administrator (CAO) Robert Bendorf and the Yuba County Supervisors made a determination to seek a 1% sales tax increase to “save public safety.”  The scheme to sell the increase as a public safety tax but then put it on the ballot as a general fund tax has undermined the credibility of the Board of Supervisors and the county administration. 

For a “disadvantaged city” Marysville has money to burn on consultants and engineering firms when local professionals offer their expertise for free or at much lower costs. It seems nowadays that county and city administrators though paid $150-300 thousand dollars annually bring little to the job other than hiring consultants with exorbitant fees.

As Yuba County residents wait for a Judge Stephen Berrier decision on the legality of the Measure K sales tax measure, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and Californians are benefitting from rulings elsewhere supporting Propositions 13 (1978) and 218 (1996) requiring a 2/3s vote of the populace for new taxes.

While California schools are at the bottom in terms of academic performance they are one of the leaders in legal settlements for sexual abuse of children by school employees. Unions make it nearly impossible to fire a teacher but if accomplished it costs taxpayers an average of $500,000 and several years.